Beauty is in the [_____] of the beholder?

Sure to cause some debate, KCRW's Zoe Chance speaks with music producer Jerry Wonda about how he "creates" the ultimate pop song.  While the music world as we know it continues to evolve, we can't take for granted the skill and talent required to produce even the simple melody or background track to your favorite tune.  

Does that mean modern music can't be considered art?  

Yes, the ingredients are different - there aren't multiple types of paint, there isn't a still-life that has been examined, or celluloid that has been burned but does this mean we aren't to respect the modern versions of what was considered "art" in the past?

My friend and singer/songwriter Jessica Childress lends her voice to this topic -  "Unfortunately, there isn't a lot of 'art' that goes into contemporary modern music.  Though I think the skill to finding the most  ear-friendly track with a marketable singer can be considered an art form. Having the ability to understand a song before it's complete and hearing the elements of a track before they are assembled isn't an easy task."

The same thing can be said about today's fashion, film, and photography.  Granted, the elements aren't assembled the same way but, then again, we don't build skyscrapers the way the Egyptian's built the pyramids.

Check out the NPR story from All Things Considered and  see if you can find the art within the beat.

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